Melt 200g chocolate - set aside and leave to cool.
Make biscuits - combine flour salt sugar baking powder in a
bowl - add egg vanilla and cream - work with hands and make
a smooth dough.
Roll dough into a floured surface 0.5cm thick and cut 7cm
circular disks. Bake in a 150deg oven for 15 mis until firm.
Leave to,cool and cover in melted chocolate.
Add 1 tbs melted choc into each teacake dome (silicone
domes bougnt for teacakes) with back of spoon cover totally
the domes - leave to set.
Put all ingredients of marshmallow in large bowl over a pan of
simmering water. Using an electric mixer whisk till mixture is
thick and stiff . Remove the marshmallow from the hrat and
leave to cool.