Bake cornbread 2-3 days ahead.
Cut cornbread into pieces, spread on sheetpan, bake
on high or broil 5-8 minutes until a bit crunchy.
Melt butter in large skillet. Add parsley, thymbe,
sage, rosemary, 1.5 tsp salt and 1 tsp pepper. Mix
well and stir until fragrant.
Preheat oven to 375F. Butter a 9x13 baking dish.
Add onion, celery and mushroom to butter. Saute 10-
15 minutes until onions are translucent. Let cool.
Meanwhile, lightly beat egg in a bowl. In a separate
bowl mix veggie stock, milk, and 3/4 tsp each of
salt and pepper. Add egg to liquid and lightly mix.
In a large bowl add cornbread, onion mixture, liquid
mixture in small batches. Mix gently to avoid
breaking up cornbread.
Place in buttered baking dish. Cover with foil and
bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for 20
minutes more until golden brown.
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