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About DesktopCookbook - Creating an Online Cookbook

A few years back, my brother and his wife created a family cookbook...many of our family and friends from all over the world contributed recipes to this cookbook. It was beautifully bound and a wonderful gift. As time went by, some of the recipes needed to be modified and others needed to be added. It became very difficult to make these changes, additions, and to ensure everyone had received them...the idea for DesktopCookbook was born. The original goal of DesktopCookbook was to provide our family with a way to access, modify, add, and share this great family cookbook.

As we created this online family cookbook, we realized that other people, groups, and families probably have this same to access and share recipes, easily and efficiently. We decided to offer DesktopCookbooks to everyone.

With DesktopCookbook, we believe we have achieved our original goal: Create a way to easily access, share, create, and find the recipes we love to make.

You'll be amazed at how fast you can create a cookbook when you add and share recipes with a group or with other members.

We hope you enjoy creating your own DesktopCookbook Online Cookbook just as we have.

Helpful hints -

We hope you enjoy building and sharing your DesktopCookbook Online Cookbook. We have designed DesktopCookbook to be intuitive and easy to use. To get the most out of your DesktopCookbook, here are a few quick hints:

- Sharing / Transferring / Emailing recipes -

You can easily share your recipes with members and non-members alike. Simply select the recipe from your Online Cookbook, click the Email Recipe button and enter the Send To email address(es). Other DesktopCookbook members can add a copy of the recipe to their own cookbook with just a couple clicks. Non-members can view and print a complete copy of the recipe. You can also transfer recipes directly to other DesktopCookbooks by clicking the Copy button (you enter the Username and Password for the cookbook).

Use our new "Share Cookbook" link. After login, click "Share Cookbook" and DesktopCookbook automatically creates an email template with your Username, Password, and Email. Simply input the send to emails.

- Add recipes from our Featured Recipes section -

Just click on the Featured Recipes section from the top menu or from the footer on any page. Select the recipe to add, enter your Username and Password, and as simple as that, you have your own private copy of the recipe.

- Find a recipe -

To find a recipe in your online cookbook, you can use one of three methods: 1) select a recipe from Your Last 5 Recipe Additions on your homepage 2) go to the Find section and search by Category, Subcategory, or Keyword 3) go the Index section displaying all of your recipes listed by Category.

- Adding / Modifying recipes -

To add a recipe your online cookbook, just click the Input section and complete the appropriate recipe fields. To modify a recipe, simply find the recipe as described above, select it, and click the Modify Recipe button. You can change any part of your recipe at anytime. You can also choose to Delete recipes in this Modify Recipe page.

- Make Your Recipes Public -

All of your recipes in your DesktopCookbook are Private by default. You can share them or make them Public by simply selecting the recipe, selecting Edit or Make Recipe Public. Change the Public designation from blank or No to "Yes". Super easy.

- Rating / Reviewing recipes -

You can Rate, Review, and Comment on any of your own Private recipes as well as any of the Public recipes found in the Public search area. Ratings are from 1 to 5 (displayed as hand mixers). See for yourself how easy it is.

- Recommend DesktopCookbook to a friend -

As more people you know have DesktopCookbooks, the easier it is to add recipes to your cookbook with just a couple of clicks. You can easily recommend DesktopCookbook to a friend by clicking Recommend to A Friend from the footer on any page and use our online form.

- Renewal -

Your Desktopcookbook membership is permanent. No additional charges are required to maintain your account. Your account can be terminated based on inactivity or misuse. Desktopcookbook will contact the email of account prior to termination.

- Give us your feedback -

We always welcome your feedback and comments. You can send us feedback at anytime by clicking Contact Us from the footer on any page and use our online form.

We hope you have fun and enjoy creating your Online Cookbook!



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