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Salads - Soups - Sidedishes Recipes         page 154 of 412

Enjoy these Salad and Soup recipes including: Tomato Soup, Antipasta, Bibb Lettuce, Broccoli Bacon, Chicken Soup, Cold Pasta, Club House, Crab Meat Bisque, Mushroom Soup, Lentil Soup, and more Salad and Soup recipes. DesktopCookbook has 20565 member submitted Salads - Soups - Sidedishes Recipes and counting. Scroll through the recipes and pages below or use the Recipe Search in the header to find exactly what you are looking for.

English Peas
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / Vegetarian         
Melt butter in a small saucepan and add peas. Cook over medium heat until peas are warm....
Ingredients: 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, 2 cans English Peas, drained, , ...

Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
VINAIGRETTE- 1/3 c. red wine vinegar 2 cloves garlic, minced ½ T. chopped cilantro 1 tsp. salt 2 tsp. Dijon mustard 1 tsp. pepper 2 T. brown sugar 2...
Ingredients: 3 c. uncooked orso pasta, 1 each yellow, red and green bell peppers, chopped, 1 jalapeno chili, deseeded and deveined to reduce heat, chopped, 1 Serrano chili, deseeded and deveined to reduce heat, chopped...

Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Corta todas las frutas...
Ingredients: Banana, Fresa, Mango, Uvas...

Ensalada Chilena-Chilean Salad
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Soak the onion in salted boining water. This softens and removes some of the sharpness from the onion....
Ingredients: 4 ripe tomatoes, 1 medium onion sliced julienne style, 1 cilantro, salt to taste...

Ensalada con Germinados
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Ingredients: Lechuga Romana, Cebolla Morada, Germinados de Alfalfa, Apio...

Ensalada de berros,remolacha y mandarina
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Se mezclan todos los ingredientes de la ensalada...
Ingredients: 3 Remolachas, hervidas y cortadas en rodaja, 3 Mandarinas ( se puede de lata), 3 cucharas de aceite de oliva, 3 cucharadas de frozen cranberry juice...

Ensalada de Champiniones
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
En un sarten se hecha aceite de oliva y ajo machacado se deja sofreir un poco y se agregan los champiniones cortados, se deja sofreir y se les hecha sal y pimienta y se le coloca al final cebollina....
Ingredients: 1 caja de champiniones en rodajas, Aceite de Oliva para cocinar, sal y pimienta, cebollina picada bien finita...

Ensalada de Champinones
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Lavar bien los champinones y cortarles la punta y dejarlos en agua con jugo de un limon ...
Ingredients: 2 libras de champinones enteros 1 cucharita de sal, 2 limones, 1 cucharita de sal, Vinagreta...

Ensalada de Cous Cous
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Tostar el cous cous, y despues cocinarlo con 3 tazas de agua y caldo ossem enfriar y mezclar todos los ingredientes...
Ingredients: 2 tazas de cous cous, 1 taza de cebolla larga picadita con tallo verde y tallo blanco, 1 taza de tomate en cuadritos, 1/3 taza de albahaca rodajas...

Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Cortar la espinaca según se requiere preferiblemente en juliana, rebanar los champiñones....
Ingredients: Mazo de espinaca por persona, Chapiñones frescos, 1/2 taza de agua, 3/4 taza de ajonjoli tostado...

Ensalada de fruta
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
1. Corten las fruta. 2. Mexuala en un tazon. 3. Lavelas con agua. 4. Seca y disfrute....
Ingredients: Manzana, Naranja, Kiwis, Sandia...

Ensalada de fruta
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
1. Corten las fruta. 2. Mexuala en un tazon. 3. Lavelas con agua. 4. Seca y disfrute....
Ingredients: Manzana, Naranja, Kiwis, Sandia...

Ensalada de fruta
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
1. Corten las fruta. 2. Mexuala en un tazon. 3. Lavelas con agua. 4. Seca y disfrute....
Ingredients: Manzana, Naranja, Kiwis, Sandia...

Ensalada de Huevo
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Espicha los huevos con un tenedor y le hechas la mayonesa, la mostaza la piemienta el aceite de oliva revolver bien y servir....
Ingredients: Huevo duro, Mayonesa, mostaza, Pimienta...

Ensalada de lechuga,tomate cherry,aceitunas.
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Lavar las lechugas, y cortarlas. ...
Ingredients: 1 Lechuga romana, 1/2lb Rugula, 1 Lechuga iceberg, 15 Tomates cherry cortados en mitad...

Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Se parten en pedazos pequenos los palmitos, se le agrega la mayonesa, limon y eneldo se revuelve. ...
Ingredients: 1 Lata de palmitos, Mayonesa, Limon, Eneldo...

Ensalada de papa
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Se cocinan las papas, cuando esten blanditas se parten en cuadritos, se le agrega el aceite de oliva, la cebolla larga, perejil, la pimienta, sal y los huevos duros....
Ingredients: 4 Papas grandes cocinadas, 1 Cucharada de aceite de oliva, 1 Tallo de cebolla larga picada, 1 Manojo de perejil...

Ensalada de Papa
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Se parte la papa en cuadros medianos, se le hecha mucho jugo de limon , aceite de oliva sal, el comino paprika y se decora con hierbabuena...
Ingredients: Papa de cualquier tipo cocinada con sal, Limon, Aceite de Oliva, sal...

Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Cocinar las papas con la cascara, dejar refrescar y pelar, partir en pedazos pequeños, cortar fino el cebollin y los pepinillos y mezclarlos con las papas....
Ingredients: 3 libras de papa (Más o menos 5 papas por persona), 3 Ramitas de Cebollin, 5 pepinos encurtidos con su jugo, 4 Cucharadas de Mayonesa...

Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Cocinar la pasta hasta que este al dente, picar en julina los pimentones y los guisantes cocinar esto con 3 cucharaditas de aceite de ajonjoli por 2 minutos, picar la albahaca y el cebollin...
Ingredients: 1/2 paquete de linguini, 1 cucharada de aceite, 3 pimentones, 2 tazas de guisantes...

Ensalada de Pollo
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Mezcle ingredientes...
Ingredients: 1 Pechuga de pollo, 1 lata granos de elote, verduras cocidas, mayonesa...

Ensalada de Quinoa
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Mezclar y agregar la salsa...
Ingredients: Quinoa 1/2 taza, Pimenton Rojo 1/4 taza en cuadritos, Edamame 1/4 taza sin cascara, Cebolla 1/8 taza en cuadritos...

Ensalada de Repollo China
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Tostar c/ cosa por separado. Preparar la salsa y revolver. Esta salsa es para medio repollo picado ...
Ingredients: ¼ t. de vinagre, ¼ aceite de oliva, ¼ t. de soya, ¼ t. de azucar...

Ensalada Light
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Sazonar las pechugas con sal y pimienta y asar en un sarten con un poquito de aceite. Picar en trozitos y mezclar con las verduras....
Ingredients: 2 tazas de lechuga, 1 taza de palmitos, 1/2 taza de tomates cherry partidos por la mitad, 1 lata de mazorcas...

Ensalada mediterranea con garbanzos y rugula
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Lavar las lechugas. Mezclar con el resto de los ingredientes. ...
Ingredients: 1 Mazo de lechuga escarola, 1/2 lb Rugula, 8 Tomates cherry cortados por mitad, 3/4 Lata de garbanzos...

Ensalada Murciana
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Se cuecen las patatas y los huevos. Dejar enfriar....
Ingredients: Patatas, Tomate, Aceitunas rellenas, Atun...

Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Se lava el repollo se le quita lo grueso del tallo y se corta fino, se le agregan las cebollas, se doran los fideos y el sesamo y se revuelve todo junto con las almendras...
Ingredients: Repollo chino grande, 4 Cebollas largas picadas, 105 gramos Fideos pequeñitos, Sesamo...

Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Combinar azucar, aceite vinagra y sal...
Ingredients: ½ Taza de azúcar, ¾ taza de aceite, 1/3 taza de vinagre balsamico, 1 cucharadita de sal...

Erica's Artichokes
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Cut about 1/4 off top of artichoke and cut off stem. Peel stem and chop small. Trim off outside leaves. Run under warm water while spreading leaves open....
Ingredients: artichokes, Italian seasoned bread crumbs, parmigiano reggiano cheese, extra virgin olive oil...

Erika Parmesan Spinach Quinoa
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Rinse Quinoa well, In saucepan, bring water, salt and quinoa to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and cook until quinoa is tender and water has been absorbed, about 15 minutes, set aside....
Ingredients: 1 c quinoa, 1 1/2 c water, 1/2 tsp salt, 3 tbsp olive oil...

Ermerald Rice
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
In a bowl, combine all ingredients. Transfer to a greased 1 1/2 qt baking dish. Cover and bake at 350 for 25-35- minutes or till heated through....
Ingredients: 3 cups cooked rice, 1 (10 oz) pkg frozen spinach, thawed and squeezed dry, 1 cup (4 ozs.) shredded cheddar cheese, 1 cup half and half cream...

Escalloped Cabbage
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Make a cream sauce with butter, flour and milk. Add cheese and melt....
Ingredients: 4 T butter, 4 T flour, 2 C milk, 1/3 lb velveeta cubed...

Escalloped Carrots
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
5-6 large carrots, sliced into 1/2 inch slices 4 cups seasoned breadcrumbs onion- 1, minced shredded cheddar cheese- 2 cups milk- 2 cups butter or margarine- 4 tbspns...
Ingredients: , , , ...

Escalloped Corn
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / Kids         
Pre-heat over to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients together in a big bowl - my kids love helping make this....
Ingredients: 1 egg, 1/2 cup melted butter, 1 can whole corn kernels (drained), 1 can cream style corn...

Escalloped Eggplant Pyramids
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
on a medium size heatproof platter arrange eggplant slices; then stack a tomato slice and an onion slice on toop of each eggplant slice, Drizzle with 1/4 cup of butter. Sprinkle with salt and basil....
Ingredients: 1 (1 1/4 pound) Eggplant, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch slices, 1 large or 2 med fresh tomatoes, sliced, 1 large onion, thinly sliced, 3/4 cup butter, melted, divided...

Escarole & Beans with Sausage
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Heat the oil in a heavy 5- to 6-qt. Dutch oven over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, 5 to 6 minutes. Add the sausage, raise the heat to medium high, and cook, ...
Ingredients: 1 tbl extra-virgin olive oil, 1 medium yellow onion, chopped , 3/4 lb hot Italian sausage, casings removed, 2 medium cloves garlic, minced ...

Escarole and Bean Soup
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Heat olive oil in large pot over medium heat, add garlic and saute about 30 seconds, add escarole and saute until wilted, about 2 minutes. Add a pinch of salt...
Ingredients: 2 tbsp Olive oil, 2 cloves garlic, 1 pound escarole, washed, and chopped, salt to taste...

Escarole and beans soup
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Saute garlic and red pepper flakes in olive oil, smash garlic when softened. Add escarole and cook until it wilts down. Add 1 can beans undrained and 2 cans drained. Add chicken broth and piece ...
Ingredients: 1/4 c olive oil, 6 cloves garlic peeled, 1 tsp red pepper flakes, 1 large head of escarole, washed and cut up...

Escarole and Egg Soup
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Position a rack in the center of the oven and heat the oven to 450°F. On a small rimmed baking sheet, toss the bread with 2 Tbs. of the olive oil, 1/4 tsp. salt, and 1/4 tsp. pepper. Spread in a si...
Ingredients: 3 slices rustic bread, cut into 3/4-inch cubes (about 3 cups) , 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil , Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper , 1 medium yellow onion, chopped ...

Escarole Soup
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
In 8-quart Dutch oven or pot combine chicken, onion, peppercorns, bay leaf, and 12 cups water; heat to boiling over high heat. Reduce heat to low; cover and simmer 1 hour and 15 minutes or until chick...
Ingredients: 1 (4 lb) chicken, cut up, 1 large onion, cut in half, 1/4 t whole black peppercorns, 1 bay leaf...

Escarole Soup
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Steam escarole for 15 mins in a large pot. Add olive oil, garlic and saute. Add chicken soup and cook for 7 minutes....
Ingredients: Olive Oil, 2 cloves crushed garlic, salt, 2 inch of water in bottom of pot...

Escarole Soup with Chickpeas
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Cook the bacon in a 6-quart saucepot over medium heat for 1 minute. Add the garlic and cook until bacon is browned. ...
Ingredients: 1 slice bacon, chopped , 2 cloves garlic, minced , 8 cups Swanson® Chicken Broth or Natural Goodness™ or Certified Organic Chicken Broth , 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning, crushed ...

Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         

Escoffier's Chanterelle Soup
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Make the veloute. Heat the stock to a bare simmer. In another pot, heat the butter until frothing and stir in the flour. Stirring all the while, let this cook for a few minutes over medium heat....
Ingredients: VELOUTE, 6 cups chicken stock, 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, 2 tablespoons flour...

Espagueti con camarones
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
1.Pon a cocer el espagueti en agua hirviendo y un chorrito de aceite de oliva. 2. Cuece en agua los camarones....
Ingredients: 1 paquete de spaguetti, 8 dientes de ajos, 1/4 d taza de aceite de oliva, 1 kg de jitomates pelatos y cortados en 4...

Espinaca con crema
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Picar la cebolla y el ajo muy finamente. En un sartén saltear cebolla y ajo con mantequilla y aceite a que quede transparente. Agregar la espinaca y presionar con la pala hasta que se vaya marchitand...
Ingredients: Espinacas, 1 cebolla chica, 2 dientes de ajo chicos o uno mediano, 2 cucharadas de mantequilla...

Espinafre com Vinagrete de Laranja
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Pré-aqueça o forno a 180 graus Celsius. Coloque as fatias de prosciutto em uma assadeira e leve ao forno até ficar crocante, cerca de 10 minutos. Deixe esfriar. Esfarele o prosciutto em um recipient...
Ingredients: 6 fatias de prosciutto, Raspas de 2 laranjas, Suco de 2 laranjas pequenas ou uma laranja grande, 2 colheres de sopa de vinagre balsâmico...

Essential Bean Salad
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / Vegetarian         
while the beans are cooking, stir the vinegar and onions together in bowl. sprinkle with salt n pepper. stir in the olive oil...
Ingredients: 2 cups dried beans, split peas, or lentils sorted and cooked, or 4-5 cups precooked, 1 tblspn red wine vineger, other good vineger, or freshly squeezed lemon, 2-4 tblspn minced red onion or shallot...

Essential Turkey Broth
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
1.Cut or break turkey carcass into 3 or 4 pieces. Place carcass pieces and wings in a stockpot. Cover with water and bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to low. Skim froth. Add remaining ingredients, retur...
Ingredients: Carcass and wings from 1 roasted turkey, 4 quarts coldwater, 1 large onion, or 2 medium, peeled and cut into chunks, 2 medium carrots, peeled and cut into chunks...

Esy Pasta Salad
Salads - Soups - Sidedishes / None         
Ingredients: 1 box tri colored pasta, cooked, drained, rinsed, pepperoni, cheese, cubed, black olives...


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